My life as a first year health studies student at the University of Waterloo

My life as a first year health studies student at the University of Waterloo.


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Silent Study

Mid-terms are fast approaching, which seems crazy because school started only a few weeks ago, but there is already tonnes of work to do in order to keep up with all of my classes. And what does that mean (other than I haven’t been posting here as much as I should be)? It means I have been spending lots of time in study rooms, particularly silent study rooms – which has inspired this blog post.
The Dana Porter Library.
Think about the noise your backpack makes when you unzip it…. That noise is enough to make people in a silent study room look up and glare. While the level of noise is supposed to be zero in silent study, we are all people and are never going to be perfectly silent. However, I think the following letters pretty much summarize what noise is okay and what is most definitely not alright…

Dear the girl who thought ketchup chips would be a good silent study snack,
You were wrong, and while I appreciate that you crinkle the bag to get a chip and then wait a few seconds before crunching it in your mouth- you are being loud and need to stop. I don’t know why you would choose chips as a snack, and silent study as the place to eat them. If you really wanted silence you wouldn’t be eating chips, so put them away or please leave.

While I may sound a little harsh there are some types of noise that don’t frustrate me in silent study rooms at all…

Dear the guy who fell asleep and started snoring,
I am tired too. While I am trying to do work and tune out you snoring thanks for at least trying to be silent, it isn’t your fault that you snore.
From, the girl who would also like to take a nap.

I would like to mention that one of my favourite places to study is the Dana Porter Library, particularly because it has many places to get work done, and silent study rooms are just one of them. 
If you don’t mind a bit of noise or are working in a group try quiet study or group study areas.

Good luck with midterms everybody!

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