My life as a first year health studies student at the University of Waterloo

My life as a first year health studies student at the University of Waterloo.


Thursday, 13 November 2014

Don't Forget to Take a Break

My second round of midterms is over and I can not believe how quickly the semester has gone by.  All that I have left in my classes are finals and a few assignments before I head home for a three week break over Christmas. Everything with school is going well but I am very excited to go home. Unlike high school Christmas break is in between the semesters so I won't have any work to do for classes, which will be weird... and wonderful.

This time in the semester marks are coming back, assignment due dates (that seemed so far away) are quickly approaching, and trying to keep up with a social life can be overwhelming at times.  While my first semester has been great so far I have found November to be the hardest month yet; you start to anticipate Christmas break but it is still a month away and some days you just want to go home... that's normal.

My biggest piece of advice... Remember to take breaks, go out with friends and take your mind off of school for a while.

This past weekend two of my best friends and my lovely boyfriend came to visit, it was a great surprise and a much needed break from studying. We went to the mall, Uptown Waterloo and I showed them around campus.

The day was great and when I started doing work on Sunday I felt refreshed and ready to finish the semester off on a high note.

Remember, only 41 days till Christmas!

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