My life as a first year health studies student at the University of Waterloo

My life as a first year health studies student at the University of Waterloo.


Wednesday, 17 September 2014

We all Scream for Ice Cream

Residence life so far has been great; which has a lot to do with the awesome people living on my floor. Everyone is really friendly, and we often hang out or go down to the cafeteria in REV to have dinner together. Having people that you can talk to and escape all the work of university with (for a little while) is great! So when the signs went up for an “Ice Cream Crawl” in our residence I knew it was going to be a lot of fun. Friends and ice cream are a lovely combination.

The event was run by our dons and was really straight forward; start on the bottom of our residence and work your way to the top, adding something to your ice cream sundae as you get to each floor. 

After making our sundae’s a group of us went to our floor’s lounge to eat our ice cream. Something that is true for everyone in university - there is always lots of work that you could be doing. But taking a break every now and then is exactly what you need; and this break was short and sweet (thanks to all the sprinkles).

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